January, 2017
Are you ready to the first collection of personalized microfiber towel for horses and riders?
PimpMyTowel has created a collection of towels in customized microfiber dedicated to the equestrian world.
We designed and created a collection for horse lovers putting together its technical performance of our microfiber with a selection of images and exclusive designs.
The graphics created by our designers are original and exclusive; run through various themes from the most classic to the most original graphics as Dandy Collection or colored like the Powerful Collection.
Knights with their horses, riding school and horse breeders can use or offer to its customers our towels with themes and designs dedicated to the equestrian world.
The Pimp My Towel microfiber cloths are characterized by light weight, absorbs and dries very quickly and compact size, important characteristics even in the equestrian world.
The perfect gift for a horse lover!